No More Cookie-Cutter Lashes
Mapping is the key to breaking from the average and standing out in a sea of lash techs.

Your Elite guide to understanding lash maps, and corrective styling.
Learn how to create custom sets for each client by analyzing your client's eye shape, and features.
Enroll Now!
Corrective Eye Styling Course

Are You Ready To Take Control of your Artistry?
This 11-module online course will teach you how to customize your lash sets for each client, no matter if they have big round eyes, hooded eyes, or anything in between. You’ll learn how to:
- How to give every single client the unique set of lashes they need.
- How to identify eye shapes and features.
- How to choose the right curls based on your clients Natural lashes, eye shape and desired outcome.
- How to choose the best lengths for your clients, while keeping the integrity of their natural lashes.
- Drawing out 6 of my most used maps: Cat eye, Round Eye, Doll Eye, Modified Round, Reverse Cat Eye, and Kitten eye map.
- How direction can effect your set and how to use it to your advantage
- How to disguise clients features, like making a hooded eye appear more open and awake, or making a round eye appear more almond and sultry.
- How to deal with asymmetries in clients faces and eyes.
After taking this course, the way you approach lash mapping and styling will forever be changed. You will go from using the same map on everyone to creating unique sets, customized for each client!
I Transformed My Lash Sets From Droopy to SNATCHED
And now I'm teaching you my exact formula so YOU can do it too.

This course is for you if:
- You use the same 1-3 maps on every client, like the cat eye or a doll eye. You really want to start doing customized sets but you don't know where to start and it can feel overwhelming at times.
- You have ever felt scared to lash a client because they had very hard eyes to lash, and you didn't want to disappoint them. You just hoped and prayed that when she opened her eyes the lashes would look good, but you weren't confident.
- You want to stop stressing and fixating on your lash sets, wondering why they didn't turn out like you'd hope. You want to take the guessing out of it and truly understand what will look good on your clients eyes.
- You are determined to stand out in your area as one of the best lash artists. You want to be the one that clients come to because they hear you were the best.
- You may have told clients in the past or thought "your eye shape just isn't meant for lash extensions".
- You feel like your doing everything right when it comes to isolation, proper placement, retention, and good fans- but there's still something missing. You feel as though you could be better.
Learn My Fool-Proof Formula To Creating Customized Lash Sets That Will Truly Transform Your Career!
"The most positive change I've had since taking Sydnee's eye styling course is being able to look at someone & know exactly what maps, curls and length to rule out first! Then I can work on what would actually compliment their face and eyes."

"I just HAD to show you this!! (And say thank you thank you) your course was literally life this is the same client, but the first photo was November 2021 and the second is today (my first set since your course) I could cry from how happy we both were with the outcome!!"

"I’m so glad I took this course; it’s things you think you know until you learn it. I thought I knew what looked best on a client until this class and now I KNOW. I do think what frustrated me the most before this course was choosing the right curl for individuals and after my last case study I feel very confident in choosing curls, taking my time and studying my clients features. Since this course I have improved on giving my clients a more complete and flattering look. I have told friends about this course and I tell them you may you think you know what looks best on a client but this course helps you be confident in knowing. I chose this course for that reason. I’ve been in the last industry for about 2 years now and I wanted to see improvement; I did not want to stay in my comfort zone. Before taking Sydnee’s course, there’s one thing you should know, Sydnee is passionate and a genius when it comes to what she does. After graduating from the eye styling course I can now map with confidence, and I can always ask Sydnee for help or opinions which is a huge plus. The coolest thing I learned in this class is that I can actually correct things on a client such as hooded eyes. I wish I would have taken this course a long time ago!"
I Have The Solution For You...
Introducing an online school where all of your mapping problems disappear and you can gain confidence in your artistry, the "Corrective Mapping Course".
This in-depth course will transform how you lash, and you'll be able to give every single client the unique set of lashes they need while feeling confident as a lash artist.
first, you will learn how to identify eye shapes and features which is critical in determining what curls, lengths and maps to use.
Then you will learn the 6 universal maps and what their purpose is for each type of facial feature.
Finally, all of this information is combined and outlaid in an easy-to-use cheat sheet, so you always have a fail proof resource at your fingertips.
Every Client Is Unique, Therefore Every Lash Set Should Be Uniquely Designed.

Give me A Dollar For Every Statement That Feels Like A Personal Attack
- Are you tired of your lash sets turning out below average and always wondering "How does everyone else on Instagram get sets that look so perfect!?"
- Do you ever feel like every single artist knows how to map and you're still stuck trying to figure out whether you should be using a D curl or a C curl?!
- Ready to stop wasting so much energy trying to figure out why your lashes aren't coming out as good as everyone else's? Because let's be real- better looking lashes will get you more clients and more money.
- Wouldn't it be awesome to never second guess what curl to use or what lengths to put where, again? (Girl, you don't have time for anything less than confidence)
- Be real for a minute- are you tired of copying a million different maps you saw on IG, only to do it for yourself and find out they don't look as good? (Been there, felt that!) It's time for a change and we're making it happen.
- Want to create lashes that conceal your client's undesirable features, making them feel like you just performed actual magic on them?
*checks wallet* oofs looks like I'm rich
In The Next 6 Months, You Could…
- Have the confidence and knowledge to map each client with a custom set
Go from an average artist to the most desirable artist in your area.
Be spending your energy on high ticketed, Instagram-able lash sets!
I'm here to show you the way to get there because you can & you deserve it- let me show you how.

What's Included In The Course...

Welcome to the Course
Overview of the Program
How to Choose Your Curls

Six Universal Lash Maps
Identifying Eye Shapes
How To Draw Your Lash Maps

Case Studies
Creating Direction
Case Study Assignment
You Made It, Now What?
Here's a preview of the in-depth case study review:
This is an example of how your case studies will be reviewed.
Feedback is given as to what went well, and what went wrong so we can ensure you'll LEARN and not just WATCH.
We do this 3 times to make sure the knowledge sticks. By the end of your 3 case studies, you will come out knowing more than when you started, and you'll be a better lash artist for it.
Dirty Details
After you enroll get ready for some major learning because this course is packed with industry secrets.
This course will allow you to start thinking for yourself so you can become confident using these techniques in your everyday lashing career- because honestly, the better you are at lashing, the more you can charge. #MakeThatMoney
This is why I have implemented a case study assignment. In this assignment you will have to complete 3 different models, showing me that you understand the techniques while I give you real feedback on what you can improve on.
After you have successfully completed all 3 of your case studies you will be emailed your certificate of completion, and can then call yourself the lash mapping guru. (wait what... HOMEWORK?!?)
- Yeah, this course is not for the lazy, take it ONLY if your serious about becoming a damn good artist)
Once enrolled you will also get lifetime access to Pacific Beauty Cove's private Facebook group.
- This group is a safe place for students to ask questions and receive feedback on their work. it's a great place to discuss and analyze facial features with one another.
I don't just want to give you the tools to succeed, I want to guide you to the top and help you along the way.
Student Testimonials:

"Before taking the Eye Styling Course something that I was really struggling with was the difference between each lash curl and length. I didn't understand how to apply that knowledge to every client I worked on but now I'm starting to discovery how!"
- Sophia

- Annyssa

""Honestly I used to just do a doll or kitten with a Cc curl on everybody... if it didn't work out I'd say, "don't worry we can fix it on your next fill" Lol! now I don't have to stress if something is going to turn out good when they open their eyes - I KNOW it's going to look amazing and wow my clients.""
- May

Hi, I'm Sydnee McGee
I've been a lash artist since 2017 and taken dozens of in person and online courses. I've compiled all that I've learned in the classroom and all of my real-world studies from trial and error, into this course to give you the information you NEED to know.
I know what works and what doesn't work on my clients and through the years of being a lash artist I've come to realize what my own artistic style is.
My style is all about creating balance and harmony within the face to accentuate my client's natural beauty...and if they happen to be an ugly duckling, I know all the tricks in the book to turn them into a swan.
& that's what I want to teach you in this course, all my secrets that I've learned over the years. So you can learn from my mistakes and don't have to spend 5 years figuring it out for yourself (not to mention all those clients you lost due to unsatisfactory lash sets or all that money lost because you couldn't charge premium price for average quality work).
Ready to learn from the mapping queen herself?
Eye Styling and Mapping 101
The course access will begin on the date you enroll.